Bulelani Qolani is seeking R1.4-million from the City of Cape Town for being dragged naked from his shack during a demolition in 2020 which was widely publicised. Archive photo: James Stent

Any damages suffered by man dragged naked from his shack is his own doing, says City of Cape Town

The City of Cape Town has denied liability for any damages suffered by Bulelani Qolani who was dragged naked from his shack during demolitions by the anti-land invasion squad in Khayelitsha during lockdown in July 2020. Qolani, represented by Ndifuna Ukwazi, is suing the City for R1.4-million for hospital and medical expenses, Read more…

Visitors, including children, were swimming in Kalk Bay’s Dalebrook tidal pool on 11 January despite a warning sign posted by the City. Photo: Steve Kretzmann sewer spilage

Sewage on the seashore: Here’s what’s causing Cape Town’s beach closures

The post-Covid holiday season, which has the provincial government celebrating a “spectacular recovery” in visitor numbers through Cape Town International Airport, has also seen one of the City’s main attractions – its beaches – suffer temporary closures due to sewage spills. Over the past month, eight beaches have been temporarily closed, some Read more…

Metrorail across the country is in disarray yet Minister of Transport Fikile Mbalula has taken no steps to devolve responsibility for commuter rail to municipalities. Archive photo: Ashraf Hendricks

How close is Cape Town to taking over commuter rail?

The mayor of Cape Town has been asking the minister of transport to devolve responsibility for commuter rail from national government to the City. But Minister Mbalula has ignored Mayor Hill-Lewis’s correspondence. The law provides for commuter rail to be devolved to municipal level. So commuter activist group #UniteBehind has Read more…