R27-million from Lottery but six years later rehab still not operational

R27-million from Lottery but six years later rehab still not operational

An unfinished, unopened rehab centre in Mpumalanga has received almost R27-million in funding from the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) since 2016. This is part of R67.5-million in grants that the Southern African Youth Movement (SAYM), the NPO responsible for the project, has received from the NLC. Investigators found a host Read more…

Leaked reportshows Millions of rands intended for toilets in rural schools were hijacked. Archive photo: Ashraf Hendricks NLC

Leaked report shows how Lottery school toilet project was hijacked

A 2020 report by auditors SekelaXabiso (SkX) has revealed how millions of rands intended for school toilets were hijacked. The report, commissioned by the National Lotteries Commission, shows that two non-profit companies controlled by lawyer Lesley Ramulifho each received R10-million in grants to build new toilets. One company was to Read more…