NB: The opinions expressed in this piece are not those of IspotDaily but those of the author, and we will not be held accountable for any comments made. Warning: this post might also upset some readers.

#16DaysOfActivisimAgainstGBV: Despite the fact that 2742 women have been murdered in South Africa in 2021, the crisis remains illogical.The South African government is being negligent about its women’s safety! What country is this? A selfish government led by a man! A man’s world in which women are pushed to believe they have rights, but those rights are violated by men who basically rule the bizarre government.

This is a man’s world, and it is way clearer than ever that women will never have their rightful place. Women are victimised daily, but the victimizers still get to walk free! Women are told that they are wife material if they can stand being violated and mistreated by their spouses! Really!!!?? Is this the nation we really take pride in? A country that essentially favours genders!?This is a messed-up nation.

16 days of activism 2022

A country where men believe and believe they rule over every human walking in skirts, where they feel empowered to hurt and harm those weaker than themselves!A no is a no, and it is a full sentence.

Also, without being a tribalist or anything, Zulu men are the most violent to women.They are egoistic and self-centered, and they basically use their persuading silence or ignoring them as an invitation to make stupid and silly comments!What is a Zulu world? A world of war where only men rule? A world where women have no right to show how uncomfortable they truly are? Uncomfortability is a sign of weakness to them.

Once a woman ignores them when they call, it is clear with no freaky doubt that they will make sinister comments or moves. I am simply not comfortable with that one tribe. It doesn’t build men; instead, it ruins them and spoils their brains. It’s high time they were taught to respect women. Klaar!!!!


*this is an opinion piece and the author has asked to be kept anonymous

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