A nine-year-old Zimbabwean girl has been reported pregnant after she was raped when she was eight in the Tsholotsho district, Matabeleland North province.


According to Sunday News, the girl is currently admitted at the United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH) as she is 33 weeks pregnant and is expected to give birth in a month’s time.


It is also suspected that the young girl was raped by someone close to her, and the Department of Social Welfare in the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare is currently investigating the circumstances that led to the pregnancy.



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Nine-year-old reported pregnant, specialists are currently monitoring her


Nine year old reported pregnant

The nine year old is said to have been raped (Representative image)

Dr Harrison Rambanapasi, acting chief executive officer at UBH, confirmed the incident but could not provide more details on the incident. Rambanapasi also revealed that the girl could have been born due to a rare condition of early precocious puberty.


The young girl is currently being monitored by a specialist, and she’ll be the youngest person to give birth in the history of Zimbabwe.
