Letsemeng Local Municipality in the Free State province is facing a crisis as major managerial positions remain vacant, some for an extended period of time. The contracts for the last two important posts, CFO and Director of Technical Services, expired on 04 April 2023, and the Director of Corporate Services has been vacant for years.

The DA is pressuring the ANC-led municipality to fill these positions as soon as possible to ensure stability and progress. The DA Councillor Mariska Potgieter has issued a media statement expressing concern over the situation in Letsemeng Local Municipality. “The vacancies in these key positions are causing serious problems for the municipality and its residents,” she said.

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“Without competent leadership in these areas, the municipality is unable to provide essential services and make progress on important projects.” Potgieter has called on the ANC-led municipality to take urgent action to fill the vacancies. “We cannot afford to wait any longer,” she said. “The longer these positions remain vacant, the more damage it will do to the municipality and its residents. We urge the ANC to act quickly and responsibly to address this crisis.”

At the time of going to print, Letsemeng Local Municipality has not been contactable to obtain their response to Potgieter’s statement.

The situation in Letsemeng Local Municipality highlights the importance of competent leadership in local government and the need for timely action to address vacancies in key positions. The DA’s pressure on the ANC-led municipality to fill these positions as soon as possible is a step towards ensuring stability and progress in the municipality.
