In a speech delivered at the DA KwaZulu-Natal Congress in Durban, Solly Malatsi, the DA Deputy Federal Chair, called for change in the province. Malatsi criticized the current government for its corruption and lack of care for its citizens, particularly in regards to education, electricity, and job creation.

He also highlighted the issue of rape in the country and the government’s inadequate response.

Malatsi emphasized that the DA is the only party that can save South Africa from the abuses of the ANC and that the party has the best ideas and people to lead governments that deliver services to all people. He cited examples of successful DA governments in various municipalities and provinces.

Malatsi also urged attendees to be vigilant over tenders in their municipalities and provincial departments, as the ANC may use their remaining days in power to steal. He called for scrutiny of every major contract in all government departments and municipalities to expose any tricks used to channel funds to comrades and cronies for the upcoming elections.

In addition, Malatsi praised the DA’s internal elections as a symbol of a vibrant party and encouraged attendees to demand the best from their leaders. He challenged them to ask themselves how their daily actions can help advance the cause of the DA to govern nationally. The speech ended with a call to focus on the issues that matter to voters and not on egos. Malatsi urged attendees to work together to win the province in the upcoming elections.

The DA Deputy Federal Chair’s speech highlights the party’s commitment to change and its belief that it is the only party capable of delivering the change that South Africa needs.
