Msunduzi Parks Department Employees have found themselves in hot water after they were caught “resting in peace” on top of graves at a cemetery.

It is said that the employees, who are hired by the city to clean out vegetation and waste that are defacing tonnes of graveyards, were caught sleeping instead of working, and it is alleged that this is what they do for most of their shifts.

Msunduzi municipality has since condemned the incident, with the City Manager, Lulamile Mapholona, ordering that investigations be carried out as soon as possible.

Msunduzi Municipality responds to the ‘disturbing’ pictures
The Msunduzi Parks municipality employees were spotted resting on top of graves. Image: Marrc via Facebook
The employees were spotted resting on top of graves. Image: Marrc via Facebook

Following the circulation of the pictures online, a statement was released by the municipality on Monday, which revealed that they do not condone such behaviour and disciplinary measures were going to be taken.

“Msunduzi has been made aware of the disturbing photographs where employees are seen sleeping and sitting on top of the graves; such unacceptable behaviour is condemned with the contempt it deserves.” Read the statement. 

The municipality further added by saying that “the municipality will not condone such behaviour and can confirm that processes are in place for the implicated employees to be charged for misconduct and for putting the municipality in disrepute.”

People hold graveyards and tombstones in very high regard as spiritual places where they honour their loved ones’ memories. The City Manager has ordered an investigation to be conducted as soon as possible. 
