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A male hyena made a fool of himself after passing out when trying to impress his lady.

According to Latest Sightings, through a video posted online, a male hyena could be seen desperately trying to impress the female; eventually, she submitted to him, and this is where the laughter started.

The male then attempted to mount the female, which he struggled to do. The female is significantly larger than the male, making the act a challenging one to get right for him.

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Hyena succeeds in getting the female

The hyena passed out when trying to impress the female. (Image:
The hyena passed out when trying to impress the female. (Image:

At last, success, he was on her back with his back legs just touching the ground. Hyenas are matriarchal in nature, meaning that the females dominate the clan and hold the highest ranks.

The females not only hold higher ranks; they are also bigger than the males. This is one way to tell the male and female apart.

According to the Latest Sightings, the sighting was rare, as tend to mate in quiet areas because they are quite vulnerable in this position. The tour guide also revealed that he and his guests were left laughing after spotting the funny sighting.
