More than 30 hippos attacked one crocodile. They were on guard as they were reluctant to let this particular crocodile trespass into their territory and were quick to attack to ensure it was removed from their space.

In this latest eye-catching animal watch, observe as these hippos showed strong resistance and pounced on a crocodile who tried to get into their territory as they ensured he was thrown out of their space.

This clash occurred at a place named Hippo Pool, in the Serengeti, according to the Latest Sightings website.

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The crocodile somehow managed to get himself into the middle of a pod of furious hippos, who were in a hurry to get him out of their territory.

The crocodile was totally outnumbered and found himself being thrown around and bitten by the hippos. Fortunately, he managed to escape unscathed.

Watch the clip below

