Popular Gqom Queen Babes Wodumo has left Mzansi with mixed reactions following her recent video, in which she revealed that she has gotten her late husband’s cellphone pin code.

In the video, Babes can be heard saying, which translates to that she has received her late husband’s pin and that she’s now looking at the content of the cellphone.

Babes is also heard saying that her husband loved her till the end, and this was followed by a cringy laugh, with her adding that she won’t hold grudges against anyone.

Read Also: Babes Wodumo performs “Ngeke” on last dance

Here’s what South Africans had to say on Facebook.

Babes Wodumo and Mamphitsha
Mzansi Reacts to the star’s recent video

Kenny Thokozane Kunene said

“I think you should better focus on healing because, to be honest, what you are doing is damaging yourself more, an uzihlekisa ngalezo ntombi ozibonayo.” He’s not around to answer for himself anymore, and you can’t fight Lezo Ntombi either. Just flush the phone and focus on the kid and your healing. This will depress you more. Think for that soul that needs you.

And this is not the right way to mourn a person you claim to love no matter what. “Look, you are busy giving the media and people things to talk about.”

Nhlanhla Nhlapho said 

“Isn’t she mourning in this attire at least for six months?” She seems happy that her husband is no more.

 R. Kholly Dlamini said 

“Mampintsha won’t rest in peace; it’s a lesson to those who want to pay lobola for alcoholics.” “When will she mourn for her husband’s death?”

AUS DEE said 

“Bathong, you got the pin finally, girl.” “Get well soon; you will be fine.” Healing takes time.

Amelia Sengwane said 

“I would not like anyone to tell me how to live my life; do it your own way, mommy.” We love ypu❤️❤️❤️”
